Дигитални умения

From Monday, November 5, 2018 12:00 AM
to Tuesday, November 6, 2018 12:00 AM

Национална Гимназия за Сценични и Екранни Изкуства


бул. „Александър Стамболийски“ 17, 1000 Център, София, България

Това е инициатива на Британския Съвет с участието на училища и Културни институции от България, Румъния, Северна Ирландия и Гърция за създаване и прилагане на програма за обучение по Графичен дизайн, Видео обработка, Арт мениджмънт и авторско право. Общата цел е повишаване на дигиталните умения за хората в сферата на изкуствата

    Secondary school Higher Education Employed adults
    Art and creativity Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

Nearby upcoming activities:

Космически предприемач
Sun, Oct 1, 2023 8:00 AM

Космически предприемач е събитие, което цели да разшири знанията за възможностите за развитие на бизнес чрез ИТ технологиите в Космоса. 

Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.

Developing 21st century skills through coding - eTwinning project
Mon, Oct 9, 2023 8:00 AM

Official start of the etwinning project "Developing 21st century skills through coding " founded by teachers participating in the Summer School EUCodeWeek 2023 in Brussels.

It is intended that students develop the skills necessary for 21st-century jobs through challenges posed by teachers or through the creation of solutions to problems related to their contexts where they will have to use coding.