Rajoni perendimor.Shqiperia nje resurs i pashtershem

From Sunday, October 28, 2018 12:00 AM
to Sunday, December 23, 2018 12:00 AM



pajova, Albania

Rajoni perendimor Sot eshte nje fakt se Rajoni Perendimor eshte rajoni me i zhvilluar dhe me i rendesishem i Shqiperise.Favorizuar nga faktore te tille si:Pozita gjeografike ,kushtet e pershtatshme natyrore e klimatike ,hidrografia etj, ky rajon eshte kthyer ne "Katalizator" te ekonomise shqiptare duke i shfrytezuar te tre sektoret e saj.Kushtet e pershtatshme natyrore kane nxitur nje perqendrim te popullsise ne Rajonin Perendimor sidomos pas vitetve '90, kur u lejua levizja e lire ,solli nje fluks te ardhurishne kete rajon. Ky punim perfshin nje trajnim kompleks te problemeve fizike e socio-ekonomike duke dhene kontributin ne zgjerimin e njohurive mbi tiparet e fizionamise se rajonit dhe perspektiven e zhvillimit te tij.

    Secondary school
    Art and creativity Augmented reality Motivation and awareness raising

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Butterfly Algorithms
Tue, Jul 4, 2023 9:30 AM

Computational thinking is a problem-solving process that is used in everyday life as well as computer programs. In this lesson, students apply their computational thinking skills to explore the life cycle of a butterfly. They'll create an algorithm, or set of instructions, to model the life cycle of a butterfly. They will write this algorithm using conditionals and then program it on a computer.

Students will:

  • Analyze the life cycle of a butterfly.
  • Develop an algorithm that describes the cycle.
  • Apply conditionals to an algorithm.
  • Finish and test the algorithm of a computer program to demonstrate the life cycle of a butterfly.
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Mesojme te kodojme duke luahtur ne Zaplycode