Reading Writing Technologies - National Inquiry

From Friday, October 12, 2018 12:00 AM
to Wednesday, October 31, 2018 12:00 AM

Plano Nacional de Leitura 2027 (Portuguese National Reading Plan)



The National Reading Plan includes in its Strategic Framework the purpose of deepening the potential of digital literacy in the promotion of reading and writing skills. In addition, it intends to broaden the presence and media projection of reading and writing by associating them with the sciences, the humanities, the arts and digital technologies. Thus, within the framework of the European celebration Codeweek, PNL2027 launches this initiative with the objective of identifying and disseminating quality practices that develop reading and writing skills through the mediation of technology. In this way, it is also intended to enhance the presence and the media projection of reading and writing associating them with the sciences, the humanities, the arts and digital technologies. Interested parties are invited to register, by October 31, 2018, quality practices developed or under development, by completing a simple form. The experiences that respond to the requested will be highlighted in the portal PNL2027 and will be disseminated in the various channels of the National Reading Plan.

    Employed adults Other (see description)
    Basic programming concepts Mobile app development Robotics Playful coding activities Art and creativity Visual/Block programming Game design Augmented reality Artificial intelligence Motivation and awareness raising

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