ITProMed - Technology to support healthcare

From Monday, October 8, 2018 12:00 AM
to Friday, October 19, 2018 12:00 AM

Association of parents "Ion Cantacuzino", Pitesti


Liceul Teoretic „Ion Cantacuzino”, Strada Carol Davila, Pitești, Romania

The event will take place at the Ion Cantacuzino Theoretical High School in Piteşti as follows: 1. Workshops where students will participate in activities on topics such as design thinking, creating a prototype, web development. 2. Create software to support healthcare professionals in a 6-hour hackathon. Workshops will be organized and supported by high school teachers and guests. Participants in hackathon will be high-school students who are passionate about the IT and high school post-graduate school students who are passionate about healthcare. A team will consist of 2 high school students and 2 pupils from the post-secondary school. The evaluation of the projects will be done by IT specialists and healthcare specialists. The best works will be awarded and used as teaching material in the preparation of pupils from the post-secondary school.

    Secondary school Higher Education
    Web development Software development Data manipulation and visualisation Motivation and awareness raising

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