to Friday, October 12, 2018 12:00 PM
Asociația Părinților Cantacuzini
Colegiul National Constantin Cantacuzino, Strada George Cair, Târgoviște, România
The students from class 4B will participate in an event that will be organized in three workshops - Scratch, Robotics and Automation programming language with Lego WeDo, Python and AstroPi introduction. Beginning with the school year 2018-2019, the students from class 4B will study the optional discipline "Let's Discover Cosmic Space". One of the learning units is based on robotics and programming content and skills. The event will take place in 3 stages. The first workshop will introduce into the programming language, the Scratch application will be introduced. Students will program using tablets. The second workshop will be about robotics and automation in primary education. The children will be challenged to build a rover to go to Mars. To accomplish their mission, students must use pulleys, aggregation methods, engines to move the rover on the Martian ground. For this workshop we will use the Lego WeDo kit. The third workshop will be about discovering a series of programming techniques with Python 3, exploring Astro Pi: Mission Zero. Students will try to write a short program that could run on the Astro Pi units of the International Space Station. We also proposed that students from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology, "Valahia" University and pupils from the pedagogical classes in the school should attend the event.
Primary school
Basic programming concepts
Mobile app development
Longitude: 25.473379
Latitude: 44.916918
Geoposition: 44.91691790000001,25.473379300000033
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