Course of 3D Modeling for High-School pupils: Generation 3D/Курс 3D-моделювання для старшокласників: "Generation 3D"

From Monday, October 8, 2018 3:00 PM
to Friday, October 19, 2018 5:00 PM

NGO Association Noosphere/ГО Асоціяція Ноосфера


Naukova Street, 12, Dnipro, Ukraine / Наукова 12, Дніпро Україна

Do you want to develop your own 3D model, print it and keep it for yourself? During the EU Code Week, we will teach you how to do this. Upon completion of the two-week training program, each of course-listener receives a certificate and a model printed on a 3D printer, according to one's own design. Хочеш розробити власну 3D-модель, роздрукувати її та залишити собі на згадку? На наших двотижневих курсах ми навчимо тебе як це зробити.

    Secondary school
    3D printing

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