SumoRobot Discovery Lab

From Friday, October 12, 2018 4:00 PM
to Friday, October 12, 2018 7:00 PM

Association for active citizenship and human rights education and activism F.I.L.T.E.R. VERITAS Skopje


Skopje, Macedonia (FYROM)

Comprised of two elements - learning programming utilizing RoboKoding’s SumoRobot platform and experimenting with a spectrum of STEM experiments, the objective is to empower the participants with the basics of programming, robotics, science and engineering. The SumoRobot is a tool which allows two robots to compete on a SumoField, in a similar fashion to the sport of sumo. While working in a team with their peers, the participants will give a name to their robot, learn how to code it and test their strategy in a competition with the other teams. This will be followed by various DiY experiments, where they can discover how different aspects of science and engineering can be fun and involving. Through hands-on experience, the participants will be able to gain interdisciplinary knowledge. They will be divided in groups and each will get tasks referring to science, engineering, and robotics. Upon completion, they will do a presentation and reveal the “mystery” behind them. Anything from creating a simple robot, learning about magnetism, creating electricity, launching a rocket and many more. In the spirit of equal opportunities, this event will be organized for Roma children.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Hardware Other Art and creativity Visual/Block programming Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

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