
From Thursday, October 19, 2017 1:11 PM
to Thursday, October 19, 2017 1:11 PM

Richard Millwood



Ollscoil Bhaile Atha Cliath, Sráid an Choláiste, Colaiste Na Tríonóide, Dublin 2, Ireland

A drop-in-when-you-can Turtlestitching workshop from 10:00 to 17:00 this Thursday 19 October in room 0.11 in the Lloyd Institute at TCD. Turtlestitch is a jigsaw-programming environment for creating embroideries from code. Bring your brain, a laptop or tablet, something material you’d like to embroider on, and you can use my programmable embroidery machine to stitch your own design. I have thread in primary colours, metallic, luminous and conducting (bring your own LEDs / batteries). Halloween themes may be creatively fruitful! ‘something you’d like to embroider on’ could mean anything from a small square to a t-shirt or hoody. I’d humbly suggest not something too precious in case it all goes wrong. There is no set start or stop time, but just to make some kind of order out of chaos, I’ll do an introduction on the hour, starting at 11:00 (assuming anyone turns up!). If you’d like to start now: www.turtlestitch.org And no need to RSVP, but let me know if you are coming!


    Primary school Secondary school Higher Education Post graduate students Employed adults Unemployed adults
    Basic programming concepts Playful coding activities Art and creativity Visual/Block programming Internet of things and wearable computing Motivation and awareness raising Promoting diversity

Nearby upcoming activities:

ePortfolio Leadership Planning Meeting
Fri, Sep 27, 2024 12:54 PM

School leadership (principal and assistant principal 1/Assessment Coordinator) will meet to discuss embedding the use of ePortfolios in the classroom. Class Dojo will be used by teachers and students to record AofL and AfL activities to enhance student motivation; promote self-assessment using digital tools; build home/school communciations and develop digital skills. A plan will be put in place for the Digital Learning Team to audit and procure the digital devices required to help put this target into action e.g. handheld android device for each class. 

Tue, Sep 24, 2024 5:01 PM

3rd class enjoyed building their own homes in Minecraft through the Microsoft Dreamspace YouTube series! Every Tuesday they have a Minecraft session and learn lots of new skills!

Mon, Sep 16, 2024 5:11 PM

3rd class explored data through coding "The Fast Lane" working LEGO robotic model and modifying it for their Zoo Projects.