
From Sunday, October 22, 2017 2:00 PM
to Wednesday, January 31, 2018 2:00 PM

Udruzenje gradjana EDUKOS


Светозара Марковића 91, Крагујевац, Србија

U pitanju je radionica za decu osnovnoskolskog uzrasta (od 11 do 16 godina) na kojoj bi bili upoznati sa osnovama programiranja i robotike. Polaznici bi imali mogucnost da rade sa robotima, da ih programiraju i na taj nacin direktno prate efekte svog rada. Takodje, koristila bi se i neophodna elektronska oprema (kontroleri, senzori i ostali elektronski elementi), cijim biprogramiranjem deca stekla prakticno znanje. Obuka bi se obavljala jednom nedeljno u digitalnom kabinetu OS"Radoje Domanovic" u Svetozara Markovica 13. Kabinet je u potpunosti opremljen neophodnom opremom (25 racunara, projektor, interaktivna pametna tabla, klima). Rad je obavlja u malim grupama, sa akcentom na individualni pristup. Oformice se vise grupa, u zavisnosti od interesovanja i predznanja polaznika (programiranje mBlock robota, programiranje Lego robota, sklapanje i programiranje Arduino kontrolera i pratece elektronike). Obuku vodi nastavnik informatike i racunarstva Milos Milosavljevic.

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Robotics Visual/Block programming Internet of things and wearable computing

Nearby upcoming activities:

Code and draw
Mon, Jan 22, 2024 12:00 AM

The students will draw different objects, animals, things they like and code.

Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 10:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.

Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe
Tue, Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM

The "Ardubots RACE - Robotics Arduino Challenge in Europe" is an exciting eTwinning project designed for 17-year-old students from Serbia and France. This collaborative initiative aims to promote cross-cultural understanding, teamwork, and STEM skills through the creation of Arduino-based autonomous robots. Students will work in international teams, fostering friendships and collaboration between different cultures. The project culminates in a series of challenges, including friendly robot competitions and races, where teams compete to achieve the best times while navigating special-shaped circuits.