to Sunday, March 16, 2025 8:30 PM
EdTech Boost: Хакатон освітніх змін.
Open in-person activity
Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 1 день/Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 2 день
Secondary school
Longitude: 31.383265
Latitude: 48.996567
Geoposition: 48.996567,31.383265
Nearby upcoming activities:

Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє"
Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 1 день/ Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 2 день

EdTech Boost: Хакатон освітніх змін
Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 1 день/Хакатон "Привіт, Майбутнє" 2 день

Quick answers
Teacher & learners.
Learners make a line.
Teacher ask different types of questions,one for every leaner. The leaner should answer it quickly.
If he/she does it ,he/she goes to the end of the line. If he/she doesn't cope with the question,he/she is out of the game.
The questions could be:
What is your favourite colour?
How old are you?
What is the capital of Ukraine?
How many colours has a rainbow?