to Thursday, March 13, 2025 10:00 AM
SGPC Paola Primary School
Open in-person activity
Paola Primary School B, Triq Guze' D'amato, Raħal Ġdid, PLA, MLT
To celebrate EU Code Week, Year 5.1 students at San Ġorġ Preca College, Paola Primary School took part in the Coding Festa Hour initiative. During this event, Year 5.1 students engaged in the Dance Party AI activity from, where they followed instructions to use block programming to control a sprite and create a dance party. They learned how AI could generate visual effects based on three chosen emojis and used events to make their program respond to key presses. Students also customised the background and special effects to match different parts of the song, using an event block to adjust the background at precise moments in the music. After completing all 10 steps of the activity, they had the opportunity to customise, save, and share their own Code Week certificate.
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Visual/Block programming
Artificial intelligence
Longitude: 14.511382
Latitude: 35.871019
Geoposition: 35.8710186,14.5113823
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