to Friday, May 30, 2025 11:41 AM
TOKİ Ortaokulu
Open in-person activity
Toki Ortaokulu, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, 8. Sokak, 44900, Yeşilyurt, Malatya, TUR
Students navigate a maze using directional cards to reach a specific goal. This activity develops basic algorithm and problem-solving skills.
Students using arrow cards to progress through a maze on a table.
Primary school
Playful coding activities
Longitude: 38.273975
Latitude: 38.37177
Geoposition: 38.37177,38.273975
Nearby upcoming activities:

Bilgisayarsız Kodlama
Bedenle Kodlama
• Malzemeler: Yok
• Uygulama:
• Öğrencilere “1 adım ileri”, “2 adım geri” gibi basit komutlar vererek yönlendirme yapılır.
• Daha sonra sağ ve solu öğretmek için bileklerine renkli bileklikler takılır. (örneğin, sağ el kırmızı, sol el mavi).
• “Kırmızı tarafa dön” gibi yönlendirmelerle hareket etmeleri sağlanır

Dynamic Geometry; Sunny World of Math 4
Students create a simple animation on the Scratch platform. Block-based coding is used to make characters move and talk.

Dynamic Geometry; Sunny World of Math 4
Students navigate a maze using directional cards to reach a specific goal. This activity develops basic algorithm and problem-solving skills.
A visual is prepared in accordance with the achievements of the religious culture course; children who are given codes appropriate to the visual create the visual. Appropriate codes are also written for another given visual.