Vigala Code Camp

From Monday, July 18, 2016 9:25 AM
to Friday, July 22, 2016 9:25 AM

Rumma & Ko OÜ


Unnamed Road, 78413 Rapla maakond, Estonia

Vigala Code Camps are a series of Python programming camps taking place in Vigala as part of the Europe Code Week initiative. Teachers are experienced volunteer programmers. The three to five days lasting camps feature a unique location in a small Estonian village between of forests and bogs. Participants are allowed a maximum of six computer hours per day, the remaining programme is spent outside. The first camp will be this year from Monday, 18 to Friday, 22 July 2016 (exact dates to be confirmed). The camp is for both experienced and aspiring programmers. Minimum age is 14. Beginners will learn the Python programming language from scratch. Experienced developers will learn how to use the Lino framework. Participants need their own desktop computer. We will be working in a mixture of short lessons and pair programming sessions.

    Primary school Secondary school Higher Education Post graduate students Employed adults Unemployed adults
    Basic programming concepts Web development Software development Data manipulation and visualisation Playful coding activities Promoting diversity

Longitude: 24.734657
Latitude: 58.849263
Geoposition: 58.8492625,24.73465680000004

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