EU Code Week Podcast: How to break the code of fake news?

In this episode, Teá Horvatic and Marijana Smolcec, both teachers from Croatia, explain the basics of media literacy and why its importance is growing. Together with Eugenia and Arjana, they describe methods of teaching media literacy to students in ways that are engaging and exciting.

About our guests

  • Marijana Smolcec (Croatia)

    Marijana Smolcec is an English Teacher and a Teacher Trainer. She is the moderator of the eTwinning featured group "Inclusive Education". You can learn more about her on her website and follow her on Twitter (@mscro1)

  • Tea Horvatic (Croatia)

    Tea Horvatic is an English teacher, MIEExpert 2021/22, eTwinning & Minecraft enthusiast and Erasmus+ KA1 coordinator. You can get in touch with Tea on Twitter (@teahorvatic)

Useful Resources

This podcast has been released on 25th of October 2021