EU Code Week Podcast: MOLENGEEK

In this episode, Ibrahim Oussari, founder and CEO of Molengeek, shares his inspiring story. Born in Molenbeek to Moroccan immigrant parents and having left school at 13, Ibrahim became a successful entrepreneur. He launched several companies and became a local role model, advocating for accessible technology education. Molengeek, based in Brussels, has grown into a pan-European project with centers in multiple European and African cities, providing opportunities for young people to engage in technology and entrepreneurship.

About our guest

  • Ibrahim Ouassari

    Ibrahim Ouassari is the founder and CEO of MolenGeek, an international inclusive tech ecosystem started in Molenbeek, Brussels. Following an atypical, self-taught career in technology, Ibrahim established himself as an accomplished consultant in the sector. He went on to launch his entrepreneurial career with some of Belgium’s biggest industries as clients. It was to share his experience that he decided to launch MolenGeek, an international inclusive tech ecosystem to make TechWorld accessible, started in Molenbeek, Brussels today MolenGeek is in Padua (Italy) Amsterdam and Rotterdam (in the Netherlands) but also in Antwerp and Charleroi (Belgium). He was designated by Sundar Pichai CEO of Google as "innovator who are building a better future"


Useful Resources

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This podcast has been released on 30th of May 2024