A bicommunal teacher training in robotics and STEAM education, using LEGO Spike Essential. Twenty teachers from the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communitiy participated in an 8-hour training, supported by the United Nations Forces in Cyprus (UNFICYP). The packages to all the teachers were provided by the US embassy. The aim was for teachers to acquire skills to organised STEAM-related activities w...

Interactive and hands-on activity, where students will learn through a hands-on approach, which is essential for understanding programming concepts.
Students will build a program in Open Roberta Lab that uses a distance sensor to detect obstacles and react to them. The robot will be programmed to move forward, stop, or change direction when it detects an obstacle in front of it.
Radionica "Budućnost pripada djevojkama: Učimo kodirati i kreirati!" osmišljena je za učenice s ciljem po...