Learning to code is not just child’s play
Publication date: June 18, 2020
“Lifelong learning” is a term that often gets banded about and is usually met with eye-rolling and derision, with many of us dismissing it as something everyone else does –
“we’re too busy, we simply don’t have the time.” We only think of learning as an activity that happens in the classroom, but it also takes place at home, during your lunch break at work or even on your daily commute – online courses, apps and distance learning makes all of this possible. Coding lends itself particularly well to distance learning with a huge rise in the number of online bootcamps, video tutorials and courses being offered worldwide.
Such courses can also be found on our website, like the new Coding@Home videos, or the endless list of open-source materials, which are not just fun for kids but for teachers and adults too. As adults, we are often not happy just learning for the sake of learning – there has to be a purpose behind it. Whether it’s a foreign language to
help you on your next summer holiday or getting to grips with a new programme that you need for work, we’re driven to do it with a clear goal in mind. And coding
is no different as it has so many practical uses from which we can derive clear benefits – it’s an extremely useful string to your bow.
Let’s take the Raspberry Pi single-board computer for example. The charity produces very affordable and simple computers which can be programmed to carry out a range of tasks – from building robots to creating weather stations and even simple digital picture frames. And for those nostalgic for classic games such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario, the Raspberry Pi has proved extremely popular with those looking to develop a retro gaming console on which they can play all their favourite games from their childhood. With tutorials built into the Raspberry Pi, the UK-based foundation has made it simple and straightforward to take those first steps towards learning to code. And by always working towards a goal (in some cases, just whiling away the time playing Prince of Persia), the motivation and drive to learn and develop new
coding skills persists and grows.
The Code Week motto is “Bringing Ideas to Life” and that is exactly what you can do armed with the right know-how and the hardware to do so. It may be as simple as a digital picture frame to reminisce about backpacking through the Andes, but the skills learned on the way may even open up professional opportunities with 90% of jobs
today requiring people with digital skills, including coding. So, don’t roll your eyes and dismiss learning new skills like coding the next time someone mentions it. Take up the challenge and learn to code with the EU Code Week. Why let the kids have all the fun?