Google sponsors 60 EU Code Week projects that introduce students to computer science

Publication date: September 27, 2017

By Verónica Gebhardt, Google’s Computer Science Education Outreach Program Manager.


Across Europe digital skills are becoming essential to successful careers and to Europe’s future growth. Yet, despite the growing importance of having computer science skills there are not enough students who have access to opportunities to develop the technical skills they’ll need to be successful in the 21st century.




This is a topic that Google cares deeply about, and that’s why we are offering sponsorships again this year to organisations running initiatives to introduce students to computer science during Europe Code Week.

We received almost 500 applications from all across Europe which made it a tough selection process. Ultimately we were able to fund 60 initiatives in 33 countries, with a goal to reach over 30,000 students.

We are excited to see enthusiasm around inspiring students in computer science and to support these great efforts. Congratulations to the organisations listed below! We hope to see lots of follow up activities to keep Europe Code Week’s momentum going!


Albania: Open Labs Albania

Armenia: Enterprise Incubator Foundation (EIF)

Austria: Catrobat, and OLPC (Austria) Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Youth Humanitarian Association of Pure Heart Prijedor

Belgium: Dwengo vzw

Bulgaria: High School of Mathematics and Science “Prof. Emanuil Ivanov”, and Panayot Volov Secondary School

Croatia: Primary school Popovaca

Cyprus: CARDET, Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology and Cyprus Computer Society

Czech Republic: Czechitas, z.s.

Denmark: Coding pirates Skoedstrup

Estonia: Narva Paju school and Tabasalu Gymnasium

France: Ligue de l’enseignement – Fédération du Nord and

Germany: Lessing-Gymnasium Uelzen, RWTH Aachen University, Student Lab InfoSphere and Wesseling.Digital

Greece: Greek Computer Society | Macedonia-Thrace Chapter and Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers

Hungary: Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások Szövetsége, and Turai Hevesy György Általános Iskola

Ireland: Saint Eunan’s College, St. Mary’s Parish Primary School, North Dublin National School Project, St Vincent’s Secondary School and St. Joseph’s P.S.

Israel: Beit Yatziv Be’er Sheva

Italy: Istituto Comprensivo “Carrara e Paesi a monte”, Istituto Comprensivo di Carbonera (TV), Istituto Comprensivo Santa Venerina, Istituto Comprensivo “Giuseppe Taliercio” and  Associazione DSchola Le scuole per le scuole

Lithuania: Association “Langas į ateitį”


Netherlands: Stichting NewTechKids and Stichting VHTO

Norway: Gjøvik bibliotek og litteraturhus

Poland: Girls Code Fun Foundation and Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych

Portugal: Association of Computer Science Teachers (ANPRI)

Romania: ETIC Association and NGO Asociația Segmente

Serbia: UPIS

Slovakia: GalaxyCodr

Slovenia: School Centre Nova Gorica and Institute for intergenerational cooperation Simbioza Genesis Ljubljana, social enterprise

Spain: IES Penyagolosa

Sweden: Luleå University of Technology

Switzerland: We Are Play Lab

Turkey: EVREN PAŞA İLK-ORTAOKULU, Payas STEM centre, Anabilim Eğitim Kurumları


United Kingdom: Kirklees Libraries (Kirklees Council), STEAM Co. CIC, ICT in Practice and Carr’s Glen Primary School

See our getting started guides in computer science for France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK now! For all other countries please visit