Decoding the Past, Inspiring the Future: Empowering Girls in STEM Through Interactive Learning

Publication date: March 10, 2025

As part of EU Code Week & Girls in Digital, the “Decode the Findings” workshop took place at the Vukovar City Library, Youth Department Spajalica, Croatia. This initiative promotes STEM education and empowers girls by fostering inclusion and equal opportunities in the digital age.

Exploring the Legacy of Women in Computing

The “Decode the Findings” workshop engaged children and young people in hands-on activities, uncovering the stories of women who shaped computing and science. Through interactive tasks, they learned new skills and explored the importance of gender equality and inclusion in STEM, paving the way for a fairer future.

Interactive Tasks and Digital Discoveries

The workshop had two parts. The first focused on women’s contributions to computing through interactive tasks. Participants decoded messages, solved challenges, and matched scientists to their achievements, seeing how they shaped technology. They explored computing pioneers, gaining knowledge in a fun, hands-on way while bridging theory with practice.

Learning Through Play and Problem-Solving

In one of the challenges, they received cards with images of well-known women in computing and brief descriptions of their achievements, with the goal of matching the correct pairs and recognizing their contributions, highlighting the importance of equal access to knowledge and technology.

By decoding hidden quotes written using Morse code, the Caesar cipher, and binary notation, they learned about the visions and inspiring words that have shaped the future of programming.

Additionally, through working with basic programming languages and encryption methods, they uncovered the names of women whose innovations shaped technological advancements, explored their life stories, and gained awareness of the obstacles they overcame to leave an indelible mark on science.

Building a Digital Timeline

Together, they built a digital timeline, researching the lives and work of prominent women in the field of information and communication technology. Each group was assigned a specific period or individual to research, after which they combined their discoveries into a comprehensive narrative celebrating diversity and inclusion in technological progress. The final part of the first session was dedicated to a quiz, where participants tested their knowledge of women in the digital world by answering a series of questions and reinforcing key information in an engaging and enjoyable way.

From Coding to Chemistry: Hands-on Experiments

After exploring the digital world, participants stepped into the realm of chemistry, conducting exciting experiments inspired by the work of great female scientists. They learned about the significance of Marie Curie’s research and her revolutionary contribution to understanding radioactivity, explored the structure of DNA through the work of Rosalind Franklin, and observed the crystallization of substances inspired by the methods of Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. Each experiment provided an opportunity for hands-on learning and connecting scientific concepts to their real-world applications. By conducting experiments, participants developed scientific curiosity, precision, and analytical skills essential for understanding natural phenomena and technological innovations in the modern world, while also raising awareness of the crucial role that diverse perspectives play in scientific progress.

Bridging Computing and Natural Sciences

The workshop offered children and young people a unique opportunity to observe and identify connections between computing and natural sciences through play, exploration, and practical experiments. Through dynamic and interactive activities, they recognized the role of women in STEM, acknowledging their achievements and impact on contemporary technology and science, with an emphasis on the importance of inclusion and equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, gender identity, or societal barriers.

Empowering Future Leaders in STEM

The EU Code Week & Girls in Digital workshop in Croatia highlighted the need for an inclusive space where young people explore, learn, and find inspiration from women in STEM. It encourages them to embrace digital technologies and science, equipping them with tools for the future. By fostering diversity, it paves the way for future leaders to drive innovation with equal opportunities for all.

Thanks to Sanja Pavlović Šijanović, Leading Teacher Croatia and Davor Šijanović, Gymnasium Vukovar for the content