to Monday, November 25, 2024 12:00 PM
Ic rocco Cinquegrana
Open in-person activity
V. Rocco - Sant'arpino, Via Gianni Rodari 15, 81030, Sant'Arpino, Caserta, ITA
Webinar interattivo
Secondary school
Motivation and awareness raising
Nearby upcoming activities:
Webinar interattivo
Webinar interattivo
A code for sustainable development#coDeAmicis
Attività, giochi ed elaborati di coding e di robotica educativa ispirati agli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2030 e allo sviluppo sostenibile. Destinatari: alunni della scuola dell'Infanzia, della Primaria e della Secondaria di I Grado
T.A.P.E.S.T.R.Y. Weaving inclusion and values in action
The "T.A.P.E.S.T.R.Y.: Weaving Inclusion and Values in Action" project is an international eTwinning initiative that brings together students from different countries to explore and promote key values like Tolerance, Acceptance, Peace, Empathy, Solidarity, Trust, Respect, and Equality. Through collaborative activities such as storytelling, podcasts, theater, and digital art, students will work in international teams to create meaningful projects that highlight these values. The project aims to foster intercultural communication, digital literacy, and the practice of English as a foreign language, while creating lasting educational resources.