EU Code Week Podcast: What is Codeweek ?

To learn more about Code Week, Maha and Eugenia are joined by Annika Ostergren Pofantis, from the European Commission, and Tommaso Dalla Vecchia, from the European Schoolnet. They are both instrumental to the current and past successes of Code Week, so are able to offer a unique insight into the role, and future, of EU Code Week.

About our guests

  • Annika Ostergren Pofantis (Sweden)

    Annika works for the European Commission and specialises in Digital Economy and Skills. She is the coordinator of Code Week and has been involved in the initiative for many years. You can get in touch with her on Twitter: @AnnikaOP.

  • Tommaso Dalla Vecchia (Italy)

    Tommaso works for European Schoolnet as Development and Advocacy Manager. He is part of the Code Week team and has also been involved for several of its editions. You can get in touch with him on Twitter: @tommaso_eun.

Useful Resources

This podcast has been released on 16th of November 2021