Carole Colley

Bid & Proposal Management at Avanade

Carole Colley has accumulated over 15 years of experience in IT. Carole's journey into digital transformation has been marked by significant milestones. As a functional consultant, project manager and bid manager (pre-sales), Carole has successfully navigated complex projects and contributed to the growth of the organizations she has worked with.

Carole is committed to seizing every possible opportunity to grow both professionally and personally. This dedication is evident in her focus on people management, participation in the School of Innovation, and continuous efforts to train and get certified. Carole's growth mindset ensures she remains at the forefront of industry developments and best practices. For Carole, commitment is not just about receiving but also about giving back to peers. As an employee network lead and vice secretary to a Work Council, Carole has demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment. Her leadership in these roles underscores the importance of community and mutual support in achieving collective success.

Check out the career journey here: Carole Colley

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