Unplugged activity with Pief Aepas students
Publication date: October 8, 2019
By Joaquim, Code Week Teacher in Portugal
Last July I was given the chance of being a part of a fantastic group of 25 EU Code Week Leading Teachers and Code Week team, in the EU Code Week Pilot Summer School.
There we became familiar with Computer Science Fundamentals (CSF) code.org curriculum. Among other topics, we learnt about Unplugged Lessons Plans presented by Naír and Tommasso (Code.org trainers).
Through those Unplugged Lesson Plans, we can do programming activities with our students without using computers.
When I returned to my AEPAS TEIP school, I proposed to my PIEF (Integrated Programme of Education and Training) teachers team to start CSF curriculum activities using Code.org lesson plans.

My colleagues were very receptive to this idea and also considered CSF curriculum to be very suitable for promoting coding activities with or without computers.
We started with lesson 1: Graph paper programming – Course D. After course D completed, PIEF students will participate in the “#AEiTec4all – Programming the future” project being mentors of younger colleagues and helping elementary school teachers in their CFS classes.

You can get this lesson plan here and try it with your students.
After that, I hope your students react as ours did and that – as we did – you will experience the development of concentration, work, engagement, participation, smiles and the joy of having students asking for more coding activities.