Humans of Code Week – Francisco Delgado, Leading teacher Spain
Publication date: July 1, 2022
By Francisco Delgado, Leading teacher Spain
What sparked your interest in coding/Code Week?
Throughout my professional career, I have tried to connect learning with the needs and concerns of students. I believe that computational thinking and robotics allows for this and much more. Code Week makes it possible to disseminate many of the initiatives that are carried out locally.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn/teach coding?
The most important and first step would be to have the intention and desire to change. I would remind them that methodological change is fundamental and that it is no longer so important to show that the teacher is the only possessor of knowledge, now the protagonist is the students and their talent must be developed.
What are the top three reasons why everyone/kids should learn to code?
Firstly, I think it’s a good time to understand how machines work and have the resources to face the challenges that technology is posing to us. Secondly, it’s time to stop being consumers of technology and take a step forward. Jobs are changing and we are incorporating digital into all jobs, this will make a difference. Finally, it allows pupils to develop creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, becoming freer citizens and prepared to face any challenge that is posed to them, something fundamental to face the current uncertainty.