Europe Code Week @ Veria Central Public Library
Publication date: November 12, 2019
By George from the Veria Central Public Library (Greece)
For the first participation of the Veria Central Public Library (Greece) in EU Code Week, children, as well as adults, joined activities around programming (HTML, CSS, Block programming),
electronic circuits (Littlebits), educational robotics with Lego WeDo 2.0, as well as 3D printing. The children that participated in the activities were from Greece, Estonia, Poland, Italy and Portugal. The language used in the workshops, that children visiting the library joined, was English.

All workshops took place from 7 to 19 of October 2019 in the Veria Tech Lab but also in the Library’s children space; 7 adults and 40 children from 7 to 15 years old, in total. Boys as well as
girls equally proved their digital skills.

What was it that we created?
Our refrigerator was visited by a ghost eating our food. Our little friends (7-9 years old) used Littlebits to construct an alarm system to be able to catch the thief. They also created their own doorbell.

Other children (10-15 years old) had the opportunity to get to know 3D printing and print an object through the 3D printing machine (just like adults did). Moreover, they were introduced to
programming and created their first project using HTML & CSS on Mozilla Thimble (Keep Calm and Code it!!!).

Milo, the explorer of the planets (Science Rover), was the project children in the educational robotics workshops did, using LEGO WeDo 2.0. In that workshop, children constructed a Rover to
explore planets and they programmed it to move on those planets.
Let’s all meet again in Europe Code Week 2020!!!!!!

Useful links: