EU Cody Games – Interactive webinar for schools!
Publication date: October 3, 2018
EU Cody Game 2018 is a pan-European interactive webinar on Wednesday October 10th, 11:00-12:00 aimed at students aged 8-14 who will engage in collaborative and competitive coding activities.
Pupils will be split into two big pan-European teams to compete against each other with coding decisions. The activity will be conducted by Alessandro Bogliolo, Professor of Computer Systems at the University of Urbino and European Code Week Coordinator, and facilitated by teachers.
The game has a didactic purpose and will be based on CodyRoby, and Scratch. Rules will be explained at the beginning of the webinar.
Decisions in each team will be taken by instant majority voting. Local facilitators should help non-English speaking kids.
To participate with their class, teachers have to:
- Make sure to be able to follow the interactive webinar available at
- Have at least one mobile device (smartphone or tablet) with data connection and QRcode reader. The device will be handled by a teacher or adult facilitator to take part in instant polls. Classrooms equipped with two or more mobile devices could be possibly split into groups contributing to different teams, in order to trigger a local competition.
Teachers who plan to participate with their pupils can add an event to the map entitled “Participation to CodyGames EU 2018”. Tag CodyGamesEU can be added to the tag list of the event.
To have a clear idea of game mechanics you can watch the video-recording of a previous edition of Cody Games.