Battle Royale: Poland vs Portugal
Publication date: October 10, 2019
By Iwona, Code Week Leading Teacher in Portugal
My students like to be surprised. They accept every interesting proposal with great enthusiasm. This is how they reacted to the offer to participate in a remote lesson about Cody Color led by Professor Alessandro Bogliolo.
It was very appealing for the children that students from many European schools were participating in this activity at the same time. My students have already learned this application during coding classes. They willingly took part in voting during which they answered the questions of Prof. Bogliolo about Roby’s next steps.
They were particularly looking forward to the international Battle Royale. During this battle, we competed against a Portuguese class which teacher is Joaquim Trovão. Students did not bother about the age difference (students from Portugal were a few years older). We managed to fight the Portuguese team and my students were even happier when they managed to win several games. They are waiting for the next Battle Royale, this time with peers from Portugal.
We are also going to play school championships at Cody Color, see you there!