to Sunday, November 17, 2024 12:00 AM
CoderDojo Belgium
Open in-person activity
Place Penne d'Agenais 8, 7180 Seneffe
Chez CoderDojo, filles et garçons apprennent à programmer, à créer des sites web, à développer des applications et des jeux, etc.
Primary school
Basic programming concepts
Playful coding activities
Artificial intelligence
Promoting diversity
Nearby upcoming activities:
CoderDojo Villers-la-Ville
CoderDojo Mons
Pixel Art
Students make pixel art using the Learning Resources Pixel Art Challenge board game.
Stage 1: Match and build
Children use the colored pixel cubes to match the selected picture. They look at the picture and try to locate on the horizontal & vertical axes where each cube must be put in order to achieve the picture duplicate.
Stage 2: Color by number
Each color is represented by a specific number. The mystery picture appears only as numbers on the grid. When the childrren put all the pixel cubes correctly, the image is revealed.
Stage 3: Coordinates
Use pre-selected easy pictures with only a few pixel cubes and give the child just coordinates (letter+number) in order to put the correct pixel cube on the grid and reveal the image.