to Friday, November 8, 2024 7:03 PM
Institut Santa Eugenia, Girona
Open in-person activity
Carrer Enric Marquès i Ribalta, 17006, Girona, Catalunya, ESP
Students will have to decode some tasks (binary code, puzzle, hangman...). If they solve the puzzles they get codes that will finally allow them to solve the game. This digital escape game is for high-school students.
Secondary school
Unplugged activities
Playful coding activities
Nearby upcoming activities:
Europe Challenge
In the frame of EUCode Week, the pupils can developcomputational thinking by programming the Bluebot on the mat using a map of Europe or various European flags to travel around Europe in order to get to know their place in the continent and to learn the European countries and their flags. Moreover,the partners of our etwinning project, "SU.XCE.S.S.", can use this coding activityto travel to the partnercountries.
"SU.XCE.S.S.ful action for waste reduction"
as part of " European Week for Waste Reduction"2024, 16-24 November, which emphasizes the significance of understanding the problem of waste and addressing the challenges posed by climate change, the students will program the physical robot or in the app of Bluebot to find the measures (e. g. " the 5 Rs) we should adopt to reduce waste!
Coding and robotics
During Code Week, students at Salvador Sanromà School, from preschool (3-year-olds) to 6th grade, will either be introduced to or continue learning programming languages through platforms such as OctoStudio, Code, and Scratch. They will also explore new robotics tools provided by the Next Generation program, including Tale-Bots, Code&Go, Blue-Bots, Dash, LEGO Essential, and LEGO Prime. This activity aims to enhance their computational thinking and coding skills in a fun and engaging way.