From Wednesday, October 9, 2019 9:30 AM
to Wednesday, October 9, 2019 11:30 AM



Piazza Annunziata, 3 Giffoni Valle Piana Salerno Italia

In the pupil, computational thinking develops gradually, through the implementation of creative processes, through playful, intuitive and amusing activities. Through Computational thinking, critical thinking, problem solving, cooperative learning, learning by doing, the laboratory will immerse the participants in a constructive environment in which they will find themselves solving a problem with the help of programming. Laboratory - Unplagged lessons (without technology) Card and square programming: pupils write a sequence of instructions using a set of predefined commands to guide their classmates in reproducing the drawing. CodyRoby: a do-it-yourself unplugged programming method, based on simple playing cards that can be used to create board games for any age or physical activity. CodyWay: unplugged do-it-yourself programming method that allows you to use paths in the real world to do programming experiences. Laboratory - Technological lessons I Scratch and Scratch JR: a visual programming language developed at the MIT Media Lab and made available online and offline through a platform that allows anyone to create and share real programs. Children can learn to write stories by choosing from a series of characters, create games and animations without writing a single line of code and without knowing the programming: just move blocks creating sequences of behaviors for individual characters. Figures involved: teacher - technological tutor - fourth grade pupils ● The teacher will have the task of providing support in the management of the laboratories and, in collaboration with the technological tutor, to accompany the students during all the phases of the project. At the end of the project it will evaluate the performance of the activities. • The technological tutor will take care of the logistics for the correct performance of the activities using: ○ Pedagogical skills ○ Experience in conducting coding labs ○ Skills in the computer languages to be proposed During the robotics activities the students will be led to research and to build by themselves their own knowledge placed in front of a problem and working through errors and corrections. Starting from the deepening of the software, students will be guided to approach the world of coding through the study and application of "Scratch", a language that allows learning in a fun way to program. Students can join groups to design, build, program and test real robots. By collaborating on projects, guided but at the same time free, the members of the group will develop creativity and problem-solving techniques, in addition to acquiring important mathematical and scientific knowledge. In addition, students will improve their communication, organization and research skills. Here are the links to connect to:

    Primary school
    Basic programming concepts Unplugged activities Playful coding activities Art and creativity Promoting diversity

Nearby upcoming activities:

Gioco dell'oca della Gentilezza
Mon, Nov 13, 2023 12:00 AM

Destinatari: alunni di classe 3 scuola primaria.

Obiettivi: essere ingrado di programmare percorsi rinforzando la conoscenza degli indicatori spaziali; conoscere le regole della convivenza civile con attenzione allo sviluppo dell'affettività e dell'inclusione

Progetto: E' stato realizzato un gioco dell'Oca di 2 metri per 140 cm con regole e azioni da compiere per la Giornata mondiale della Gentilezza. Lo scopo è stato quello di utilizzare i Robot Clementoni ele Bee bot per compiere il percorso. La programmazione è sia verbalizzata che scritta con simboli vettoriali al fine di consentire ai bambini di orientarsi su un percorso dato, utilizzando trasversalmente competenze di progettazione e competeze di educaione civica. 

Verifica e valutazione: la programmazione utilizzata per l'attività potrà essere ripetuta tante volte nell'anno anche utilizzando percorsi di apprendimento costruiti dai bambini come verifiche di tutte le discipline. Saranno organizzate gare che attraverso la programmazione dei percorsi guideranno meglio anche lo studio . L'alunno sarà in grado di muoversi fisicamente e virtualmendo programmado percorsi e azioni nell'intero suo percorso di studio.


Laviamo le mani!
Sun, Sep 25, 2022 12:00 AM

I bambini di 3 e 4 anni lavano le mani seguendo precise indicazioni: sollevare sul gomito le maniche della maglia,aprire il rubinetto,bagnare le mani,chiudere il rubinetto, prelevare il sapone dall'erogatore,insaponare le mani,insaponare ogni dito,insaponare i polsi,aprire il rubinetto,sciacquare le mani e i polsi accuratamente,chiudere il rubinetto,prendere asciugamano,asciugare accuratamente le mani.

Percorsi D'Autunno
Mon, Sep 16, 2024 8:30 AM

Percorsi su schede e in palestra, riferiti al periodo autunnale.