
Codeweek Learning Bits

Creative coding with Python

by Ivana Vezjak

Moving from visual to text-based programming is a natural flow in coding. While visual programming is often great for beginners, after a while, students may crave a new challenge. Text-based programming is the next step for anyone who wants to dive further into programming and computational thinking.

In this video, Ivana Vezjak introduces you to Python’s basic syntax. Python is one of the most popular programming languages today, used in many fields like data science, AI, machine learning, web development, etc. While Python is a powerful programming language used by experienced programmers, it can be used even by those without any coding experience because of its simplicity and clear syntax.

With Python, students can create quizzes about historical events, solve math problems and make physics simulations, create games, build websites, conduct data analysis for scientific projects, and much more. Python has a rich and extensive standard library, a large community, and a great number of tutorials and projects available online, which can be used for teaching, learning, and practicing. By coding in Python, analysing programs, and fixing bugs, students develop creativity and learn how to be consistent, persistent, and patient. They learn analytical thinking and problem-solving skills by breaking down complex problems into smaller components. These competences will help them in how they approach problems in every other domain of their lives.

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Other related resources

  • Python Standard Library
    Collection of pre-built code and modules (e.g. turtle module, math module etc.).
  • CodeCombat
    Educational video game for learning programming concepts..
  • CodeClub projects
    From beginners to advanced, step-by-step programming projects for kids..
  • Invent your own computer games with Python
    Book that will teach you how to program your own computer games with Python..
  • CodeWars
    Educational community where students and teachers can train themselves through a series of challenges..
  • Hour of Python
    Collection of Python introductory lessons (both text-based and blocks) using interactive Trinkets..

Do not forget to add your activity to the Code Week Map!

You can easily organize a lesson in your classroom, an open day, or an event at your school. Just find a date and register your activity in the Code Week map. Each activity organizer will get a certificate of participation for their effort.

If you would like to connect with an international group of enthusiastic teachers, join the EU Code Week Facebook group for teachers! To take a step further and collaborate with other schools in your country or across borders – join the Code Week 4 All challenge.