Human Bot

From Monday, October 14, 2019 12:00 AM
to Friday, October 18, 2019 12:00 AM

Escola Básica do Alto dos Moinhos

Open online activity

Escola Básica do 2º e 3º ciclo da Terrugem, São João das Lampas e Terrugem, Portugal

A 6X6 board drawn on the floor and 4 decks of cody roby needed. A class is divided in 4 groups. Each group chooses their human pawn to move on the board. The 4 human pawns will be placed in the 4 corners of the board and 16 questions will be placed in 16 squares of the board. The questions have one of four colors according to the theme: math and science, language, Geography and History and Arts and Physical education. The first group playing chooses a square with a question and, with their cody roby deck, gives the instrutions to their human pawn to move on the board. If the human pawn makes a wrong move, he goes to his original departure square and the second groups takes their turn to play. If the human pawn goes to the right square, he picks up the question and reads ir to the group. The group has 5 minutes to answer the question. If the answer is correct they obtain 1 point. If the answer is wrong they obtain 0 points. If in the right square there's no question the group obtains 0 points. Then is the second group's turn to do the same. Each group has 3 turns to play. The winner is the group with more points.

    Primary school
    Unplugged activities

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